Saturday, February 9, 2013

My greatest wish...

All I really want is an adventure. The kind, where at one point of it you stare up at the night sky, with the breeze in your face, moon full, stars bright. You just look up and know that this is just the beginning. This is exactly where you need to be. No human love could ever make you feel this fulfilled. This is a true connection with the creator. He looks down at you and says “This! This was my plan for you all along. Bask in its beauty. Acknowledge my greatness.” And that’s what you do because you know that it’s the truth. There’s no way you could have gotten here on your own. Metaphorical mountains were moved to get you here. You thought it was impossible. And yet, here you are. The best part? You realize again that this is just the beginning. Nothing satisfies like living your calling. Your heart is content. Thoroughly satisfied in the knowledge that “this is what I’m meant to be doing”. The journey is not always easy. Loneliness may gnaw at you now and then, but nothing, absolutely nothing, can take away the feeling you get from a true adventure. It’s hard to explain to people exactly how amazing this feeling is. How do you tell someone that just the fact that you are here at this exact moment makes the whole universe make sense for just a second? Everyone is always going on about love and finding your other half. I say give me that adventure. Backpacking, sailing, horse trails, scuba diving, singing, dancing, flying, writing! It’s all part of that perfect story that was written just for you. And in that moment, alone in the dark, you are so happy because this is where it all starts. And you know. You know because your heart is whispering to you. It’s only going to get better from now on.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Cleaning like a diva

I have a love hate relationship with cleaning. Some days I love it and some days I wish that I had a wand and could pull some Molly Weasley spells and have the place clean in 30 min. On those sucky days I try to make it fun. This means high heels and a tiara that is usually hidden in my drawer. It’s my way of making a boring chore less horrid and still feel pretty even if no one sees me. Luckily Lola never comments. Instead she just runs away from the broom and mop and then runs back in as soon as I’m done to tread everything full of mud again. *sigh* And yet I still love her. The crazy stuff I do that makes me happy <3

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Intro to Lola

Lola is an evil mastermind that has a sadistic streak of ripping her stuffed toys apart. I come back and the insides of her toys are scattered everywhere. Evidence of the crime that she committed in my absence. I am sure she spends all day waiting for me to leave. I worry about her sometimes but maybe I’m just reading too much into in since I’ve been watching too much Criminal Minds. This is normal behaviour for a dog right? : P When she’s not splattering the tiles with toy stuffing she’s trying to steal my slippers.  The first week I got her she tried to steal my underwear.  And still, somehow, I love my big teddy.  As pathetic as it sounds she’s the reason I don’t freak out every 20 seconds because I’m 24 and still single. I’ve only had my dog for three months now and it has been one shock after the other. One crazy drama after the next. And somehow, she is so worth it. Part of me wonders if a guy will ever feel that way about me.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A bit about me...

I’m pretty random and absolutely ridiculous. I’m one of those people that you have to get to know first and then decide if you like me. My sister says I have RBF syndrome (resting b*tch face syndrome). Apparently when I’m thinking or not doing something I pull an angry face which prevents people from actually talking to me. And here I was thinking that people just hated me. My sister doesn’t live in the same city so when she comes to visit she is kind enough to let me know I’m doing it. The rest of the time I’m on my own and have people that get to know me ask questions like “you are so funny and sweet! Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”.  Apparently my face is the problem. And if it’s not my face it’s my personality.  I am a diplomat’s daughter, meaning I have lived overseas. I get irritated when people ask me if I learnt Chinese while I lived in Japan. I’m sorry but I thought it would be more convenient to learn the language that they speak in the country. I am shocked when I say I’m from South Africa and people ask me why I’m white. Well you know that thing that Michael Jackson did? Yeah I had that done too. Good heavens the stupidities that people ask. And the worst is these are supposed to be educated people that have travelled. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the sharpest pencil in the box but I know enough to hold my tongue before I ask things that will make me look stupid.  Ah and then we have my accent. My lovely people, I have an international accent that sounds mostly American.  Most of the time when people ask me about it I just say I’m from Georgia (the state not the country) since most people in South Africa don’t really know much about the US anyway they just accept it. I say Georgia because I have friends there and it’s the only state I’ve been to. I’ve had people think I was mocking them and others who thought I was just faking it to get attention.  Anyway, enough with the rants. I have found the solution to my unfriendly face!!! My dog Lola. People think she is very pretty and want to pet her. So since I’ve gotten her I’ve gotten to talk to a lot more random people. I really thought for a while I should take her to be a doggie model but then I realized I was talking about my crazy brat. She has this amazing ability to sense when you want to take a picture of her. You just have to THINK about taking a picture and she goes from posing to pulling a retarded face. Oh wait… I do that too. Dammit dog! Stop doing what I do and do what I say! I’ll try working on getting a picture of her to post… you know, where she actually looks nice and not like shes ignoring me :(

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 2013!!

Two years later and I have decided that this is rubbish. I need to start writing again.  So happy 2013! I am doing this for myself. Prepare to be amazed by my awesome stories. Mostly about Lola, my dog.